Ankylosing Spondylitis Articles
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Here is the full list of articles we’ve published on Gut Heroes to date:
Simple Summary: Why Professor Ebringer’s Findings Suggest Going Starch Free Could Help Tackle Ankylosing Spondylitis
What follows is a summary of Ebringer's theory about using diet to successfully manage ankylosing spondylitis. It's variously been called the 'London AS Diet', 'The Low/No Starch Diet' and 'The Starch Free Diet'. If you haven't already done so, check out the fantastic...
The Interview: Professor Alan Ebringer Discusses the Theory Behind the Starch Free Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis
Watch an interview with Alan Ebringer, creator of the ankylosing spondylitis diet, or 'London AS Diet' 💡 Alan Ebringer is an immunologist, professor at King’s College and Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist at UCH. He and his team developed the diet 💡 In the interview...
Salicylates: Why a Sensitivity to These Common Foods Could Cause Rashes, Asthma, Stuffy Nose, Mood Swings, Restlessness or Difficulty Focusing
There are so many different dietary protocols out there it can be overwhelming... Do eat avocados because they're anti-inflammatory... Don't eat avocados because they can trigger a histamine response... Go plant based... go carnivore... do this, do that. The reality...
Experiencing a ‘Mystery’ Flare? Here Are 5 Possible Causes
Key Points: Sickness, stress, allergies and hormonal changes can trigger inflammation These factors can be asymptomatic (do not display any other obvious symptoms) as in the case of COVID-19 for 40.5% of victims One (or more) could combine to trigger 'mystery'...
Weekly One Hour Sauna: Results After 60 Days
Key Findings: 30%+ joint pain decrease (when combined with cold exposure) Boost to mood and overall feeling of calm Lower resting heart rate (during sauna days) Sauna is reputed to have a huge range of health benefits, particularly cardiovascular and hearth...
Unexplained Runny Nose, Skin Issues, Bloating or Fatigue? If You Have Any of These Symptoms You May Have Histamine Food Intolerance
A blocked nose, puffy eyes, a crushing fear of cut grass… If you’ve ever suffered from seasonal allergies you'll have come across histamines before. The likelihood is you will have been prescribed antihistamines in the form of sprays or tablets to help manage...
Starch Free Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis: Year 2 Results
Key Findings: 328 days (90%!) 'pain-free' in year 2, following the AS diet Stress, alcohol and illness appeared to be primary triggers 46% of flares measured as 20% or under in severity (again!) Since starting the AS diet, I've kept detailed daily records on...
7 ‘Secret Starches’ You Need to Be Aware Of
If you're trying to cut out starch to manage your ankylosing spondylitis there can be a few unexpected hurdles to navigate... One of these is the 'secret starches' you'll find hidden in everyday food. These are starches that food manufacturers often use to bulk up...
Name Change! Your Happy Back is Now ‘Gut Heroes’
Just a quick note for anyone who is coming back to this site and wondering why the address of the top and the name has changed. (It was previously and now it is This is intentional and nothing else is changing other than the name. I...
Melinda’s AS Success Story
Melinda lives in the South of England, UK. It was 5 years before they received their ‘official’ ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis. They use a low starch diet to manage their AS and most days they are 95% pain free. ⚙️ See Melinda's Wellness Plan here "I'm able...
Starch Free Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis: Year 1 Results
Key Findings: 267 days 'pain-free' in year 1, following the AS diet Starch, fruit*, alcohol and cow dairy appear to be my main triggers 46% of flares measured as 20% (or under) in severity Since starting the AS diet, I've kept detailed daily records on a...
Sabrina’s AS Success Story
Sabrina Carlson lives in Flagstaff, AZ USA. It was 10 years before they received their ‘official’ ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis. They use animal based starch free diet and lifestyle to manage their AS and most days they are 80-90% pain free. ⚙️ See Sabrina's...
Salmon and Avocado Salad
This is a great example of something that's super quick and easy to make. It's also what I can one of my ankylosing spondylitis inflammation busters. if you are not feeling great, and you need something that is not going to trigger any more pain I've found this meal...
9 Ways to Budget on the Starch Free Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis
Key Points: Set up price alerts, buy in bulk when sales are on and use 'cashback' sites for further savings Find out when supermarkets label their reduced items and check out these awesome food waste apps Try making your own foods and supplements Buying...
What is Enthesitis and How Does Does it Relate to Ankylosing Spondylitis?
Enthesitis is where you have inflammation of what are known as the entheses. These are the specific points where your tendons or ligaments attach to the bones. Enthesitis is most commonly associated with inflammatory conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis and...
What Causes Pain and Stiffness with Ankylosing Spondylitis?
Key points: Ankylosing spondylitis pain is caused by inflammation Inflammation occurs when your immune system tries to attack an 'invader' Fluid builds up in the tissues causing joint linings to swell. This impacts nerves and can cause acute pain and stiffness...
How Long Should I Follow the Starch Free Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis?
It's a really common question: "How long should I follow the Low Starch Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)?" The short and honest answer is this: For as long as needed. For many people that will be forever. Others might find that a few years down the line (usually...
Supplement Recipe: MalateOff Cocktail
I see this supplement cocktail as my energy booster and inflammation buster. The combination can help with muscle, nerve function, digestion and nutrient absorption (important for anyone with compromised gut health). It may also help improve energy levels, reduce...
Starch Free Noodles
Before discovering the starch free diet and I used it eat pasta all the time. It was one of my favourite foods. Delicious, filling, super easy to make and really just a great go to food. But pasta is super starchy and so my hopes of finding anything remotely similar...
Can I Still Eat Out on the Starch Free Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis?
You're committed to the Starch Free Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), and you've got your home meal plan working for you. But what about eating out? Can you still enjoy a night out at a restaurant without betraying the diet? That's the focus of this article. I'll...
How You Can Help Your Loved One With Ankylosing Spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis can be an exhausting condition to live with. Not just for the person with AS but for those around them as well. It can make your loved one irritable, immobile, unable to help as much around the house and that's not fun to be around. The fact you...
Why is the Starch Free Diet Effective?
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a type of arthritis and autoimmune disease that mainly affects the spine, causing inflammation and pain. Over time, it can lead to stiffness and fusion of the vertebrae which makes movement increasingly difficult and painful. Although...
Tommy’s AS Success Story
Tommy lives in London, UK. It was 19 years before he received an 'official' ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis. He exclusively uses diet and exercise to manage his AS and most days is 90% - 95% pain free. ⚙️ See Tommy's Wellness Plan here "It felt like AS had robbed...
Recipe: Roasted Almonds
These roasted almonds are a really easy to make and delicious snack. It takes just 2 minutes to prepare and 20 minutes to cook in the oven. When you're done you'll have a go to snack that stores for up to 2 weeks at least if kept in a sealed jar. Great for snacking at...
Study: Improving Research into the Microbiome By Looking at How Long it Takes Food to Pass Through the Gut
Title of Study: "Advancing human gut microbiota research by considering gut transit time" Published: 28th September, 2022 | Link: View study here | Authors: Nicola Procházková, Gwen Falony, Lars Ove Dragsted, Tine Rask Licht, Jeroen Raes, and Henrik M Roager...
Are There Any Risks or Side Effects Associated With the Starch Free Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis?
This is something that's often asked by concerned and caring loved ones... "Is it safe?" "Are you getting the nutrients you need on this diet?" "How can you cut out a whole food group, effectively?!" There is a lot to cover here, so we'll try and take it step by step....
What is the Microbiome and Why is it So Important?
Key Points: The microbiome is the world of microbiota (bacteria and so on) that live inside youMicrobiota evolved with us and we need each other to survive and perform day to day functionsDysbiosis is where microbiota populations can get out of control. This can...
Study: How Sugar Upsets the Balance of Bacteria in Your Gut, Can Weaken Your Immune System and Increase Risk of ‘Metabolic Syndrome’
Title of Study: "Microbiota imbalance induced by dietary sugar disrupts immune-mediated protection from metabolic syndrome" Published: 29th August, 2022 | Authors: Yoshinaga Kawano, Madeline Edwards, Yiming Huang, Daniel Mucida, Kenya Honda, Ivaylo I. Ivanov | 🔗 View...
How to Get Diagnosed for Ankylosing Spondylitis
Key Points: Come prepared with a detailed list of your symptoms Typically your GP will book you in for a blood test for 1. The HLA-B27 gene variant and 2. Your inflammatory markers (ESR and CRP) X-Rays help show any potential damage or bone fusing and an MRI scan...
How to Find Starch Free Supplements
Starch is frequently used as a 'protective agent' in tablets and pills. As Science Daily put it, "the starch molecule forms a protective pocket around the vitamins as they travel through the highly acidic stomach and into the small intestines..." This can make finding...
How to Check Any Food or Ingredient For Starch (The 2 Second Iodine Test)
Key Points: Place 1 - 2 drops of iodine on any food to test for starchIf the iodine stays the same colour it's starch free If it turns black it contains starch This is such a simple method. Anyone can do this at any time and in any place (whether you are at home or in...
Using Diet to Treat Ankylosing Spondylitis (Read This First)
Key Points: The AS diet was used to treat over 450 AS patients at the London Middlesex hospital 50% of these patients no longer required medication as a result of the diet Most rheumatologists have never heard of this diet (don't let that put you off!) If...
About the Starch Free Diet for Ankylosing Spondylitis
Key Points: The diet was created by immunologist and consultant rheumatologist Alan Ebringer It is based on evidence of a link between the Klebsiella microbe, autoimmune disorders and ankylosing spondylitis Klebsiella primarily feeds off starch (hence the 'starch...
What Are the Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis?
Key Points: Core symptoms: Typically a sharp, alternating pain behind the buttocks (just above the pelvis to the left or right side) and stiffness to the lower back There is a simple blood test which can help expedite diagnosis If you experience any of the...
What is Ankylosing Spondylitis?
Ankylosing spondylitis is a long term condition. It's characterised by painful inflammation of the joints (particularly in the lower spine) which can cause severe stiffness and at times crippling pain. While it has traditionally been seen as more prevalent in men,...
How is Ankylosing Spondylitis Diagnosed?
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) can be difficult to diagnose. That's because the symptoms can mimic those of other conditions. Back pain is extremely prevalent in the modern world which is why ankylosing spondylitis often goes undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed, for years or...