Podcast Episode 15: Tommy’s Turbocharged Electrolytes Recipe

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Welcome to another episode of Gut Heroes! This is a bonus episode, where I’m going to share one of my homemade recipes with you (MUCH cheaper then buying expensive sachets). This one is for electrolytes and I call it… wait for it… Tommy’s Turbocharged Electrolytes.

In this episode I look at:

✔️ All the ingredients you’ll need
✔️ Why I created this homemade recipe (the potential benefits of the different ingredients)
✔️ Exactly how to create it at home

🗒️ View a written version of this recipe and the instructions here

Disclaimer: Please note, this is for informational purposes only. Gut Heroes does not offer medical advice. We are all different and what works for me may not work for you. I setup Gut Heroes to share information with you. To shine a light on my own personal discoveries (as I currently understand them) and to help you with your own personal research.

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