Feeling quite exhausted today

May 27, 2020 | Diary | 0 comments

Woke up feeling ok, back not quite as bad as it has been.

In fact I didn’t have to take any painkillers today and was able to sit down and drink my morning tea in the chair in the lounge.

I had a lot to do work-wise so started early and had breakfast at my desk.

The weather isn’t quite as beautiful today. Bit grey outside but the garden is really starting to bloom.

Got a huge amount on with work at the moment and feel a little bit overwhelmed. There are four or five projects that I’m working at the moment and all of them are time-consuming and complicated.

Felt absolutely exhausted this afternoon for some reason and had to go for a nap.

Maybe because I’ve been at my desk all day or because I’ve not been sleeping as well because of my back. Managed to sleep for about 20 minutes and then got back to it.

Went out for my walk at about 5:30pm. I keep getting that sense that the photos I’m taking now are just out of habit and not I’m not seeing anything meaningful anymore, that the threads of the story are no longer intertwined or leading towards anything.

It’s almost as if, along with lockdown, the project is unravelling, that society is slowly getting back to normal and it is uninteresting.

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