Ankylosing Spondylitis Articles

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Here is the full list of articles we’ve published on Gut Heroes to date:

How Sudden Weather Changes Can Trigger Autoimmune Pain

How Sudden Weather Changes Can Trigger Autoimmune Pain

It hit me - almost literally - like a thunderbolt. More direct evidence that sudden changes in atmospheric pressure can have a profound effect on inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, such as arthritis. If you're interested in why you sometimes experience pain,...

The Great Karoo Experiment

The Great Karoo Experiment

This is perhaps the most dramatic autoimmune experiment I've conducted to date. We're moving to the Great Karoo in South Africa for 3 months. As you probably know by now I have ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune disease that affects the spine and large joints in...

The 9 Strangest Things I Do to Manage My Autoimmune Disease (AS)

The 9 Strangest Things I Do to Manage My Autoimmune Disease (AS)

What are some of the strangest things I do to manage my autoimmune disease? As I turned the shower to freezing cold for 2 minutes this morning, it occurred to me that a lot of the things I now do in my daily life might seem strange to a lot of people. It got me...

How to Travel With an Autoimmune Disease and a Challenging Diet

How to Travel With an Autoimmune Disease and a Challenging Diet

How do you travel when you have a very specific diet you're trying to follow? Whether you have an autoimmune disease, or any other chronic condition, we're going to look at some of the things you can do to ensure a happy, stress-free experience. I've just come back...

Supplement Recipe: Tommy’s Turbocharged Electrolytes

Supplement Recipe: Tommy’s Turbocharged Electrolytes

This is my own homemade recipe for electrolytes. It's a little different from other electrolyte drinks because I've added some extra ingredients. Here's what you need... Ingredients ✅ A fresh lemon (or half a fresh lemon) ✅ Himalayan pink salt ✅ Magnesium malate...

Podcast Episode 15: Tommy’s Turbocharged Electrolytes Recipe

Podcast Episode 15: Tommy’s Turbocharged Electrolytes Recipe

Welcome to another episode of Gut Heroes! This is a bonus episode, where I'm going to share one of my homemade recipes with you (MUCH cheaper then buying expensive sachets). This one is for electrolytes and I call it... wait for it... Tommy's Turbocharged...

Podcast Episode 9: Nathan’s Ankylosing Spondylitis Success Story

Podcast Episode 9: Nathan’s Ankylosing Spondylitis Success Story

Welcome to the first in our Ankylosing Spondylitis Success Story series! In this episode, I'm thrilled to be joined by my friend and fellow AS warrior, Nathan Mennel. Nathan has battled ankylosing spondylitis for many years, and today, he shares his incredible journey...

Arthritis and Weather: Everything You Need to Know

Arthritis and Weather: Everything You Need to Know

In this article, we're going to look at the connection between weather and arthritis. This is something that could have a huge impact on pain levels and inflammation and I'm really excited to cover this. We'll start by discussing what the science has to say. There are...

Podcast Episode #7: 70% of Your Immune System is In Your Gut

Podcast Episode #7: 70% of Your Immune System is In Your Gut

So many of the health problems we face in modern life are caused by, or exacerbated by, gut health issues. That's because at least 50% of what makes you 'you' is microbial. More importantly, 70% of your immune system resides in your gut. That means when microbial...

Your First Rheumatology Appointment: What to Expect

Your First Rheumatology Appointment: What to Expect

The lead-up to your first rheumatology appointment can be a little scary or overwhelming, if you don't know what to expect. What will your rheumatologist be like? What tests will they want to run? Are they going to push a certain medication onto you? But it can also...

Sugar, Ultra Processed Food and Autoimmune Disease

Sugar, Ultra Processed Food and Autoimmune Disease

Welcome to another Gut Heroes podcast! Changing your diet is hard, really hard. We don't all have time or headspace and modern life makes it even more difficult. We are bombarded with temptation, from every angle. In this episode, I look at why refined sugar and...

Fasting to Manage Ankylosing Spondylitis Flares

Fasting to Manage Ankylosing Spondylitis Flares

Welcome to another Gut Heroes audio podcast. Fasting is a HUGE part of my ankylosing spondylitis protocol. I rarely get flares these days but they do happen from time to time.  When I feel one coming on, fasting is the most effective method I've come across to beat...

Gut Heroes Podcast Episode #2: Sauna

Gut Heroes Podcast Episode #2: Sauna

Welcome to the second Gut Heroes audio podcast! Today I'm talking about sauna, cold exposure. I share the exact methods I follow to reduce pain and stiffness, lower stress levels, boost energy and improve mood. Enjoy!

Podcast: Nathan’s Ankylosing Spondylitis Success Story

Podcast: Nathan’s Ankylosing Spondylitis Success Story

Resources🔎 Tommy's 'flare-free' emergency routine🔎 The Nun Study: "Healthy Ageing and Dementia" [Original Paper]🔎 The Nun Study: Great Write-Up of the Key Findings🔎 Information about mouth taping to help correct breathing🔎 Histamines and possible allergy-like symptoms...

Podcast: Thriving With Ankylosing Spondylitis Through Gut Health

Podcast: Thriving With Ankylosing Spondylitis Through Gut Health This video interview (including the idea for it) and the fantastic production and editing was the work of Nathan Mennel. If you enjoyed this interview, and have a spare moment, please like and share it over on YouTube...

These Are the Techniques I Use to Get Flare Free in 4 Days or Less

These Are the Techniques I Use to Get Flare Free in 4 Days or Less

I now manage my autoimmune disease entirely through diet and lifestyle. However, I do still get the occasional ankylosing spondylitis flare from time to time. These are rare (at the time of writing I'd been 72 days without flare) but they do still happen. Typically...

How Cold Exposure Changed My Life

How Cold Exposure Changed My Life

When you hear 'cold exposure', you might picture hardy Nords flinging themselves into Arctic pools cut into the ice. That is certainly one way of doing it. (And if you live in Finland, own a private jet, or work from an Antarctic research station, that may well be the...