No SI joint pain, some stiffness, tiny blackberries
SI Pain: 0/100 | Rib Pain: 0/100 | Concrete Back: 50/100 Spent all day thinking it was Thursday. I think that's because I've been wishing all week that it was Thursday, and that's seeped into my front brain. Woke up feeling okay, I guess, a little bit crampy in my...
Covid echo and blackberry magic
I woke up feeling a bit sick and nauseous. I don't think I'm actually ill or have coronavirus again. But it's weird. It almost feels even though I've recovered from it, the extra viral load I got from my friends on the weekend is just giving me a slight echo. The two...
Magnesium malate just gave me an amazing night’s sleep
I woke up feeling good today. Had a really decent sleep last night. Although I feel quite tired I know I slept better than normal. I am 100% putting that down to the magnesium malate. That really instantly took away so much stiffness yesterday and just made me feel so...
Keep monitoring resihi in relation to autoimmune pain
SI Pain: 0/100 | Rib or Shoulder Pain: 0/100 | Concrete Back: 30/100 I woke up feeling quite tired. I didn't get to sleep much last night because I got to bed quite late at about 2am. I then found I needed to read to get settled. I am really enjoying the 1,000 Brains...
2 good sleeps and an ankylosing spondylitis friendly feast
SI Pain: 0/100 | Rib Pain: 5/100 | Concrete Back: 50/100 I woke up today feeling pretty good. I've had two good night's sleep now which is great. I took reishi again this morning and it doesn't feel like it's causing me too many problems at the moment. I wouldn't say...
Someone else has ankylosing spondylitis
Woke up feeling great as I have been doing, in terms of my back, for a few days now. I have a dentist appointment at 10:15am. It was a beautiful day out and I walked to Stratford station giving myself plenty of time to get into town. The new dentist was nice. Friendly...
An answer to the mysterious eye flare (and back feels amazing)
I'm coming to the tail end of another eye flare. I had to get out of bed this morning at about 7:30 because it starting going again. I had vaguely been aware that I was feeling a bit clogged up and that maybe my eye was going to be a problem a little bit before that....
The MRI scan, a gleaming white spaceship coffin
I woke up today feeling fine, great even. For once this is incredibly frustrating. I've been doing my best to overload my system with borderline foods to trigger something for the MRI scan. At the same time I also really don't want to cause damage so I'm also...
The AS has been amazing the last few days
I woke up feeling both great and awful. The AS has been amazing the last few days and it really feels like I have absolutely nothing wrong with me which is a magical feeling. No rib pain or back pain or anything and I don't feel stiff at all either. But my eyes are...
Today is a good day
I woke up this morning feeling good, really good. I think this might be the first morning in a while when I've woken up with no discernible pain or stiffness or feeling that I haven't slept properly. I felt like I slept really well last night and I don't remember...
Trying to make a list of foods I can eat
I woke up this morning at about 9 ish feeling pretty much pain free. I don't remember waking up in the night. I didn't have any stiffness either which is good. My mood feels a little bit better today too. I decided to just have blueberries for breakfast which was good...
Accepted into the Low Starch / No Starch Facebook group (need to consider going to 0% starch)
I woke up about 7:30am. I wouldn't say I had a banging headache but I had a hangover. The good news is that I had virtually pain in my back and 0 pain in my ribs today. Hoping that the low starch diet is paying off at the moment. I was accepted into the Low Starch /...
I’m really starting to get the idea that the diet is working well
I woke up today feeling pretty good. Lower back feels great. Pretty much no pain. Rib pain almost gone. I'm really starting to get the idea that the diet is working well and that it must have been a blip. I think there were things I was accidentally including in my...
My ribs were in a spasm like flare this morning (and a confusing massage)
I woke up today in flare. Kat said she heard me groaning at 5 am. This time it's not my pelvis but the back of my ribs. On the left-hand side and at the bottom. It's so painful that it keeps spasming and locking in a fit of excruciating pain. It has the same flavour...
Feels like I have a tennis ball sized lump above my pelvis
I woke up feeling ok, pretty much the same as yesterday maybe a slash better. I did wake up a couple of times in the night but still I'm getting so much better sleep than I was a few months ago so I'm really very happy overall. I did find myself having to change sides...
Maybe the antibiotics I took after surgery made my AS more active
Woke up feeling pretty bad. I actually slept quite well considering and I think I only woke up maybe 3 or 4 times in the night. Nothing like as bad as when this thing peaked a few weeks ago. On immediately waking up I would say the ankylosing spondylitis pain was...
The pain gadgets arrived (and it feels like the AS is getting out of control)
I actually slept ok last night. I do think we need to get some proper blackout curtains though because I'm just waking up because of how bright it is more and more. My back didn't feel great when I woke up and particularly on the right side of my pelvis again it is...
Not having good thoughts
I woke up feeling a bit shit. My right side of pelvis is flaring, maybe a 4 out of 10. Feel a bit under the weather as if I have a sort of cold, but without having a cold. Hoping this is just a hangover from the jab that I had. My mind is not good today though and I...
Absolutely mind-numbingly exhausted
Woke up feeling exhausted, absolutely mind-numbingly exhausted. Like I hadn't slept in 1,000 years. Was surprised I felt so exhausted given that I got out of bed at about 9am. Felt so tired I could barely string a thought together. My back really didn't feel great so...
Back not great, feeling a little anxious
Woke up feeling a little anxious. My back doesn't feel great too so I think that means I'm starting to have another flare up. I decided to have ibuprofen with my smoothie since we were going to be out all day and doing a lot of walking. None of us slept brilliantly...
Confirmation I have the HLA-B27 gene variant
Today has been a weird day. I woke up feeling ok, maybe a bit hungover. Spent a lot of time navel gazing about stuff... and my back. Always my damn back at the moment. It's absolutely miserable weather today, just grey and leek and drizzling and raining constantly....
A pain in the knee
Woke up today feeling a little bit ropey and I've just realised that is probably because of the second Coronavirus jab I had yesterday. Didn't feel great after the first one so hoping that's it. The main thing is that I now have ankylosing spondylitis pain behind my...
Covid jab today
I had my Covid jab at 10:35 today. It was at the local pharmacy so I only had to walk for about 10 minutes to get there. I was seen almost immediately and it was over without much fuss. Not as painless as the first one I had but barely felt a thing. I felt pretty...
In general I feel so much better since being on this diet
I woke up feeling ok. Had my usual breakfast smoothie. Upper left AS ache in-between the lower back and lungs but at the back. In general though I still feel so much better since being on this diet. I got a text message this morning from the NHS, to in fact saying...